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作者:开运体育    时间:2024-12-21 18:29:01

本文摘要:Tesla briefly removed the word “autopilot” from its Chinese language website over the weekend, only days after receiving complaints about the way it markets the semi-driverless technology to potential owners in the country.在因向中国潜在用户促销半无人驾驶技术的方式而接到滋扰意味着几天后,特斯拉(Tesla)曾于上周末把“Autopilot”一词从其中文网站上一段时间删除。

Tesla briefly removed the word “autopilot” from its Chinese language website over the weekend, only days after receiving complaints about the way it markets the semi-driverless technology to potential owners in the country.在因向中国潜在用户促销半无人驾驶技术的方式而接到滋扰意味着几天后,特斯拉(Tesla)曾于上周末把“Autopilot”一词从其中文网站上一段时间删除。The group reinstated the original text yesterday, after the change had been noticed and widely reported online.在这一变更引发人们的留意并在网上普遍报导之后,该集团昨天又再加了最初的Autopilot字眼。Tesla said it had been a “mistake” to remove the word “autopilot” for the system, which has been at the centre of controversy in the wake of an accident this year in which a Florida man using the feature died when his car crashed into a turning truck.特斯拉回应,不必“Autopilot”一词叙述该系统是一种“错误”。今年,美国佛罗里达州一名男子在用于这一功能时,所所乘车辆与一辆改向卡车撞,造成这名男子丧生。

在那之后,“Autopilot”这个措辞沦为争议核心。Tesla blamed a “process of changing any discrepancies in translation” across its Asian language websites for the error. It said its translation process had been going on for “many weeks”, and was not a reaction to the recent criticism it faced from a driver in Beijing whose vehicle crashed while on Autopilot last month.特斯拉将上述网页错误归咎于“修正(其全部亚洲语言网站的)翻译成差异的过程”。该公司回应其翻译成进程已持续“多周”,并不是对近期所面对抨击的对此。这一抨击来自北京一位司机,上个月他的车在Autopilot模式中盘了车祸。

Luo Zhen, who was uninjured, claimed Tesla had mis-sold the technology to consumers, who believed they were buying “self-driving” cars. He said a salesman gave him a demonstration in which he took his hands off the wheel and described the car as “self-driving”.这位名为罗震(Luo Zhen,音译)的司机在事故中未伤势,他声称特斯拉错误地向消费者促销了这种技术。这些消费者坚信他们卖的是“自动驾驶”汽车。他说道,一名销售人员曾向他展出过双手瓦解方向盘驾车,相提并论该车“自动驾驶”。Tesla has insisted the system, which takes control of steering and braking when on motorways, is an assistance package, and claims it never refers to the technology as self-driving.特斯拉否认这一在高速路上掌控方向盘和刹车的系统是辅助功能,并声称未曾称该技术是自动驾驶。

The mix-up over the Chinese wording comes as the company strives to shift from being a California start-up to a major international car manufacturer. It runs several Asian-language websites in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as mainland China, and is targeting increased sales across Asia.这一在中文措辞上的误解经常出现之际,该公司于是以极力从加利福尼亚州一家初创企业转型为大型国际汽车制造商。该公司在日本、台湾、香港和中国内地运营着几个亚洲语言网站,并以提高在亚洲的销售额为目标。Tesla’s Chinese website used the phrase “zidong jiashi”, which literally translates as “autopilot” but can also mean “self-driving”, a phrase analysts say is ambiguous. This has been replaced with a phrase meaning “automatic assisted driving”.特斯拉中文网站曾用过“自动驾驶”一词,词字面上既可以翻译成为“autopilot”,也可以解读为“self-driving”。分析师回应词含义模糊不清。

目前,词已被“自动辅助驾驶员”替换。The group said it constantly updated translations, but insisted the move was “nothing to do with current events”.该集团回应其仍然在改版网站的翻译成,不过它否认此举“与当前的事件牵涉到”。The company uses the term “Autopilot”, the same phrase used for aircraft that literally fly themselves, all over the world. Elon Musk, Tesla’s founder, has defended the use of the technology, saying it makes roads safer. Tesla has said owners must keep their hands on the wheel and be ready to take control at any time while using the system. Mr Luo said he was not fully informed of this.该公司用于的“Autopilot”一词,与世界各地叙述飞机自动飞行中状态所用的词汇完全相同。特斯拉创始人埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)曾为这种技术的用于申辩,称之为其提升了道路安全性。




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