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作者:开运体育    时间:2024-12-24 18:29:01

本文摘要:Xiaomi has joined the virtual reality land-grab with a cheap smartphone-based headset, the Mi VR Play, which pits the Chinese mobile maker against its sometime partner Google and further hampers Facebook’s hopes of dominating the VR market with its Oculus headsets.中国手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)公布了基于智能手机的廉价虚拟现实(VR)头盔——小米VR眼镜玩具版(Mi VR Play),与曾多次的合作伙伴谷歌(Google)进行对垒,同时不会更进一步遏止Facebook以Oculus头盔霸主VR市场的期望。

Xiaomi has joined the virtual reality land-grab with a cheap smartphone-based headset, the Mi VR Play, which pits the Chinese mobile maker against its sometime partner Google and further hampers Facebook’s hopes of dominating the VR market with its Oculus headsets.中国手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)公布了基于智能手机的廉价虚拟现实(VR)头盔——小米VR眼镜玩具版(Mi VR Play),与曾多次的合作伙伴谷歌(Google)进行对垒,同时不会更进一步遏止Facebook以Oculus头盔霸主VR市场的期望。More than 1m consumers have already signed up to test Xiaomi’s headset, available as a beta version in China practically free of cost at Rmb1 ($0.15). It will be tested by “tens of thousands” of users, according to a spokesperson, before a full launch in coming months. Partners contributing content to its Mi VR app include glossy magazine Condé Nast Traveller and Chinese video side Youku.申请人小米VR头盔内测的用户已多达百万,中国用户只需缴纳1元人民币(合0.15美元)就能取得正式版,这完全相等于免费。小米新闻发言人回应,小米VR头盔将拒绝接受数万名用户测试,几个月后再行月公布。

向其小米VR应用于贡献内容的合作伙伴还包括时尚杂志《悦游》(Condé Nast Traveller)以及中国视频平台优酷(Youku)。The headset, made of Lycra, requires a compatible smartphone, either iOS or Android, of 4.7in to 5.7in. It is being marketed as an affordable entry-level product.小米VR头盔使用了莱卡棉材质,须要配有一部4.7到5.7英寸的iOS或Android智能手机。

其市场定位是价格实惠的入门级产品。Xiaomi’s low-priced entry comes just days after Samsung updated its headset, and puts it in competition with Google’s efforts to build a VR platform called Daydream.就在小米发售这款廉价入门级产品的几天前,三星(Samsung)刚刚升级了它自己的VR头盔,以此与谷歌打造出的“白日梦”VR平台(Daydream VR)一争高下。As recently as May, Xiaomi pledged to build devices that support the nascent Daydream standard, alongside Samsung, HTC and LG. Despite its competitive headset launch, Xiaomi confirmed it still planned to partner with Google to develop Daydream-ready Android phones this year.就在5月份时,小米还允诺要与三星、HTC和LG一道打造出反对新兴的“白日梦”标准的设备。

虽然小米发售了与这一标准竞争的头盔,但它证实自己仍计划与谷歌合作,在今年研发合乎“白日梦”标准的Android手机。In China, the VR market remains in its infancy, with a dominant headset maker still to emerge. The domestic market size for Chinese VR is expected to cross Rmb55bn by 2020, according to Chinese research group iiMedia.中国VR市场正处于跟上阶段,仍并未辈出一个可以霸主市场的头盔制造商。




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