作者:开运体育 时间:2025-01-05 18:29:02
Chinas internet search giant Baidu has become the first Chinese company to join a US-led AI (artificial intelligence) group committed to addressing the challenges and impacts of artificial intelligence.近日,中国互联网搜寻巨头百度,沦为了第一个重新加入由美国主导的一个人工智能的组织的中国企业。该的组织致力于应付人工智能带给的挑战以及影响。
The Partnership on AI (PAI) said in a statement that Baidu had, in recent years, evolved into a diverse technology conglomerate, with ventures in autonomous driving, smart assistance and AI platform services.人工智能合作的组织(PAI)在一份声明中回应,百度近年来已发展沦为一个多元化的技术集团,在自动驾驶、智能辅助和人工智能平台服务方面都有醉心。Baidu has pushed forward with a series of initiatives aimed at limiting AIs unintended consequences. The Chinese internet leader has put safety and security first when developing autonomous driving, the PAI said.百度早已发售了一系列目的容许人工智能车祸后果的措施。PAI回应,这家中国互联网行业的领军企业,在研发自动驾驶技术时,把“安全性和可靠性”放到了首位。Baidu is currently working on three new AI products, with Apollo being the worlds largest open source autonomous driving platform.百度目前正在研发三款新的人工智能产品,其中阿波罗是世界上仅次于的开源无人驾驶平台。
Its two other AI products are DuerOS, a voice enabled digital assistant, and Baidu ABC, a smart cloud for the enterprise market.该企业的另外两款人工智能产品是语音数字助理DuerOS,以及针对企业的智能云服务Baidu ABC。Admitting our first Chinese member is an important step toward building a truly global partnership, said Terah Lyons, PAIs executive director.PAI继续执行董事泰拉·莱昂斯回应:“百度沦为PAI第一个中国成员,标志着PAI朝着创建确实的全球伙伴关系迈进了最重要一步。”The growth and scope of work on AI in China is extensive, and any conversation about its future that does not involve China is an incomplete conversation, Lyons said.莱昂斯称之为,人工智能在中国的发展和影响是很普遍的,任何有关未来人工智能的探究,如果不牵涉到中国,那都是不原始的。